With each passing season, Attack on Titan has added more mythology, more backstory, more history, and more factions. Related: Marco's Attack On Titan Death Explained (& Who Was Responsible) The long-awaited Attack on Titan season 4, part 2 begins January 10, 2022, and adapts the final chapters of Isayama's manga.Īttack on Titan began with humanity's last surviving remnants hiding behind three massive circular walls, separating those within from a barren land littered with mindless flesh-eating giants known as "Titans." As the concept evolved and more details emerged about the Titans' creation, Isayama's narrative performed a 180-degree flip, and Attack on Titan ends with humans waging war against each other, rather than the titular Titans earlier seasons assured us were the main threat. Attack on Titan seasons 2 & 3 followed between 2017-2019, before season 4, part 1 arrived in December 2020. Debuting in 2009, Hajime Isayama's Attack on Titan manga spearheaded a new wave of Japanese comics attaining international renown, but only when the anime premiered in 2013 did Titan fever take hold in earnest. It did, after all, cap off the Clash of the Titans arc with an authoritative bang.Hunting an Attack on Titan refresher course before the final season airs? Here's everything you need to know. Considering the way the score, the animation, and the dialogue all blended seamlessly together, the acclaim that the episode has received among fans is well-deserved. The finale episode of AoT Season 2 has been received quite well by the Attack on Titan community in online forums such as Reddit, with many fans praising the anime for its admirable quality and direction. Eren, for his part, swore to make the traitors pay, using every power that he has. True to form, Erwin stated that while their losses were huge, the discovery of the Coordinate, as well as the revelations of the Titans' identity, ultimately proved to be a step forward for humanity. Connie and Hange were also able to confirm that Titans were once humans, much to Levi's chagrin.

The three defectors, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir, were shown after their battle against the Survey Corps. The latter half of the Season 2 finale was nothing less than a build-up to the upcoming third season of the anime. Reiner and Bertholdt, on the other hand, continued to be stopped by Titans who were blocking their way. At the other side of the battlefield, Armin attempted to save an unconscious Jean from an advancing giant and Ymir continued to fight alongside Historia, regardless of the fact that the Giants just kept coming. Eren and Mikasa ultimately shared what could only be the most intimate scene in Attack on Titan so far.

The sequence of events that transpired in the anime after that scene were no less than poetic. He could not summon his titan form anymore. As Hannes tried his best to keep the Titan at bay, Eren attempted to transform. Unlike their first encounter, however, Eren and Mikasa were saved by Hannes, who failed to protect them during the Fall of Shiganshina.

"Charge" began at the same point where AoT Season 2 Episode 11 ended, with Eren and Mikasa facing the Smiling Titan, the giant that ate Carla Jaeger years ago.

Overall, "Charge" proved to be one of the strongest episodes of the acclaimed anime series, concluding the Clash of the Titans arc and setting up Season 3. The final episode of Season 2, on the other hand, followed its source practically frame-by-frame for the most part, and it came out near-perfect. The Season 1 finale was epic, but it took a number of liberties with its source material. If there was something that Attack on Titan Season 2 Episode 12 did differently than the finale of AoT Season 1, it was the fact that it stayed true to the manga.